Delivery Systems

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Liquefaction is the process of converting natural

LNG delivery system

Tankers move the LNG from the production area to a

LNG safety

The key safety issues for LNG relate to the conseq

LNG storage

The advantage of LNG is that the significant reduc

LNG units

LNG units can be complex because different units a

Load factor

Load factor is a measure of how average usage rela

Load following

Load following, also called ramping, is a generic

Load forecasting

Load forecasting is the process of creating a fore

Load shedding

Load shedding is a form of demand response whereby

Load-following resources

Load-following resources are used to manage fluctu

Local distribution company (LDC)

A local distribution company, or LDC, is the gas u

Loop feed electric distribution

A common distribution feed used to add reliability

Lost and unaccounted for (LAUF or LUAF) gas

The difference between the quantity of natural gas

Main disconnect

The main disconnect is a device installed in most

Marginal heat rate

The marginal heat rate represents the assumed heat

Master meter

A master meter is a main meter installed ahead of

Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP)

Maximum allowable operating pressure, or MAOP, is


Also known as methanethiol, mercaptan produces the

Merchant generator

Merchant generators are electric generation entiti

Meter accuracy and testing

Regulatory rules specify the required accuracy of