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Home of the future

The home of the future will be full of flexible en


Hubs are common places for market participants to

Human performance

Human performance is the practice of proactively p

Hybrid retail competition electric market model

Under this market model customers have the option

Hydrokinetic power electric generation

Hydrokinetic power is electricity derived by conve

Hydropower electric generation

Hydropower is electricity derived by converting th

Impoundment hydropower plant

Hydropower plants with large dams used to contain

Incentive regulation

As the utility business restructures, regulators a

Independent power producer (IPP)

Independent power producers, commonly called IPPs,

Independent System Operator (ISO)

An ISO is an independent organization that handles

Industrial customer class

Gas and electric utility rate structures and regul


Insulators are used to prevent electricity from fl

Integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) electric generation

A new technology currently in the demonstration ph

Intermediate demand

Intermediate demand, also called intermediate load

Intermediate generation

Intermediate generation is generation that is used


An inverter, sometimes called a power inverter, is

Investor-owned utility (IOU)

Investor-owned utilities, or IOUs, are for-profit


A power island, often simply called an island, is

Lightning arrester

Lightning arresters are important transmission and

Line and service fuse

Line and service fuses are devices that protect di