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Electrification is the act of consumers adopting n

Electrochemical effect

The electrochemical effect converts chemical energ

Electromagnetic effect

Much of electricity used today is created by magne

End user

The term end user refers to a consumer of energy t


Energy, as measured in kilowatt-hours or megawatt-

Energy charge

An energy charge (also called a usage charge or a

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency reduces overall energy intensity

Energy marketer

Marketers generally purchase electricity from gene

Energy Policy Act of 1992

The key points of the Energy Policy Act are that i

Energy services company

Energy services companies, or ESCOs, evolved in th

Energy storage standard

An energy storage standard is a regulatory mandate

Essential facility

An essential facility is a gas or electric company

Essential reliability service (ERS)

ERS provide bulk system operators with voltage con


An expense is an expenditure other than capital. M

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

In 1977, the Department of Energy Organization Act

Federal Power Commission

The regulatory agency created by the Natural Gas A

Federal Power Marketing Administration

Federal power marketing administrations are entiti

FERC Order 1000

In July 2011, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commis

FERC Order 2000

In an attempt to push the industry toward its desi

FERC Order 888

On April 24, 1996 the FERC issued Order No. 888 wh